About us

Kylie Hutchinson, BSc, CE
Kylie Hutchinson has spent the past thirty years working in the not-for-profit sector as a consultant, trainer, program manager, board member, and volunteer. Working both domestically and internationally, she has conducted dozens of evaluations varying in scope and complexity that have yielded timely, relevant, and actionable recommendations for her clients. In 2011 Kylie received her Credentialed Evaluator designation from the Canadian Evaluation Society. In 2020 she was awarded the Canadian Evaluation Society’s Contribution to Evaluation in Canada award. In 1990 she received a student award from the Canadian Evaluation Society for an evaluation framework she developed for the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Kylie works with nonprofits of all shapes and sizes to develop strategic plans that are meaningful, realistic, and most important, actionable. She is an experienced Nonprofit Lifecycles Capacity Consultant.
Kylie has a strong background in training and facilitation and has assisted many organizations in the nonprofit, public, and private sectors to build their internal evaluation capacity. She is well-known across the North American evaluation community for her popular webinars and workshops and is an innovative and engaging public speaker. She holds a diploma in Instructional Design and is a former instructor at the Justice Institute of British Columbia’s Instructor Development Program. From 2005 to 2011 she delivered the Canadian Evaluation Society’s Essential Skills Series in British Columbia. These days she is a regular pre-conference workshop presenter at the American Evaluation Association’s annual conference and Summer Evaluation Institute.
Kylie Hutchinson is a Knowledge Philanthropist offering pro-bono nonprofit capacity building services for Vantage Point, a LEAP Ambassador, and a volunteer cycling advocate with Transportation Choices Sunshine Coast. When she’s not working, you can find her with her family, in her garden, hiking or skiing the local mountains, counting bats, or doing errands on her electric bike.